38 PI-SCX System Manual Version 2.E
To Secure the Tubing:
a. Remove the retaining nuts for the fitting and slide them over the outside of
the plastic tubing.
b. Slide the tubing over the barb on the fitting.
c. Slide the retaining nuts to the end of the tubing and tighten them to the
threads of the fitting.
d. Insert the fitting into the appropriate valve body (Inlet or Outlet) until it
Because of the automatic shutoffs, disconnecting the coolant supply is done by
simply depressing the release tabs (Figure 14) and removing the fittings.
Reconnecting the supply is done by reinserting each fitting into the appropriate
valve body until you hear a click.
Figure 14. PI-SCX:1300 Camera Back Panel
PI-SCX:4300 Use 3/8 I.D. plastic tubing. Be sure the tubing is properly
secured with hose clamps at both ends. Note that either of the camera’s coolant
ports can function as the inlet or outlet. We advise installing an in-line flow
meter so that the flow rate can be monitored.
PI-SCX:4096 Use 3/8 I.D. plastic tubing. Be sure the tubing is properly
secured with hose clamps at both ends. Note that either of the camera’s coolant
ports can function as the inlet or outlet. We advise installing an in-line flow
meter so that the flow rate can be monitored.