Printronix T3306 Printer User Manual

power–up ^X, 3–53
resolution, 3–50
rotated character size, 3–54
SFCC, 3–54
slashed zeros, 3–54
text length, 3–54
truncate alpha, 3–54
UPC descenders, 3–54
variable ratio bar code, 3–55
Configuring IGP/VGL with the control panel, 3–48
Connecting cables, 2–17
Controlling print quality, 4–5
Conversion Table, ASCII, 3–57
Copy Count, 3–50
CR Code, define, 3–45
Cutter, programmable, 1–8
bit 8, 3–36
polarity, 3–36
Data Bit 8, configuration, 3–51
Data bits, 3–38
Data exchange, 4–3
Define CR Code, 3–45
Define LF Code, 3–45
Definitions, configuration option, 3–20
Diagnostics menu, 3–41
Display, blank, 4–7
Dot Resolution, Selecting, 3–50
DTR function, 3–38
Dump mode, hex, 3–39
Eject, auto, 3–45
Emulation menu, 3–30
Error Markers, configuration, 3–51
Error Msgs, configuration, 3–51
Exchange, data, 4–3
Factory settings, 3–20
Fan–folded media, 2–9
Font Memory Menu Options, 3–29
Font Set, configuration, 3–52
Font, Select, 3–46
Fonts, 1–8, 1–9
Gap sensor, 3–28
Handshaking, 4–3
hardware, 4–3
software, 4–3
Head life, 3–42
Hex dump mode, 3–39
Hex Dump, configuration, 3–54
Horizontal image shift, 3–24
Host Form Length, 3–46, 3–52
Host interface menu, 3–35
Host protocol, 3–37
Ignore Characters, configuration, 3–52
Ignore Dots, configuration, 3–52
Image, printed, smears or voids in, 4–6
Improving processing time, 4–2
Initial setup, 2–7
description of, 2–7
loading, 2–8
description of, 2–7