Page ii Preliminary IB0056101-00 G.02
QLogic HCA and QLogic OFED Software Install Guide
QLogic OFED Version 1.4
Information furnished in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, QLogic Corporation assumes no
responsibility for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its
use. QLogic Corporation reserves the right to change product specifications at any time without notice. Applications
described in this document for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. QLogic Corporation makes no
representation nor warranty that such applications are suitable for the specified use without further testing or
modification. QLogic Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.
No part of this document may be copied nor reproduced by any means, nor translated nor transmitted to any magnetic
medium without the express written consent of QLogic Corporation. In accordance with the terms of their valid QLogic
agreements, customers are permitted to make electronic and paper copies of this document for their own exclusive
The QHT7040, QHT7140, QLE7140, QLE7240, and QLE7280 QLogic Host Channel Adapters are covered by the
following patent: 7308535.
Document Revision History
Rev. 1.0, 8/20/2005
Rev. 1.1, 11/15/05
Rev. 1.2, 02/15/06
Rev. 1.3, Beta 1, 4/15/06
Rev 1.3, 6/15/06
Rev. 2.0 Beta, 8/15/06, QLogic Version Number IB0056101-00 A
Rev. 2.0 Beta 2 10/15/06, QLogic Version Number IB0056101-00 B
Rev. 2.0 11/30/06, QLogic Version Number IB0056101-00 C
Rev. 2.0 3/23/07, QLogic Version Number IB0056101-00 D
Rev. 2.1 8/24/07, QLogic Version Number IB0056101-00 E
Rev. 2.2 5/27/08, QLogic Version Number IB0056101-00 F
Rev. 2.2 9/5/08, QLogic Version Number IB0056101-00 G
Rev. QLogic OFED 1.4 4/7/09, QLogic Version Number IB0056101-00 G.02
Changes Sections Affected
Product name changed from InfiniPath to QLogic
OFED. Version number is set to 1.4. Instances of
InfiniPath changed where appropriate; some file-
names and output messages keep old name.
Updated Contact Information. “Contact Information” on page 1-5
Removed InfiniPath from 1st paragraph; replaced
with QLogic adapters, etc.
“Hardware Installation” on page 4-1
Changed section title from What’s New in this
Release to Features.
“Features” on page 2-1