
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports
The Policy Class Information Report
StorNext User’s Guide 287
Truncate Immediately After Store: Indicates whether files truncate
immediately after a store
Checksum Validation: If enabled, checksums are compared to
retained values for the files retrieved by the corresponding policy
Checksum Generation: If enabled, checksums are generated and
retained in the database for files stored by the corresponding policy
Minimum Set Store Size (1 to 999 in MB or GB): The minimum size
that all valid store candidates in the policy class combined must reach
before they are stored
Maximum File Store Age (1 to 720 in hours): If any valid store
candidate in the policy class reaches this value, all valid candidates
are stored
Disk-to-Disk: Indicates whether the disk-to-disk functionality is
enabled or disabled for the selected policy class
Affinity From: If disk-to-disk is enabled, the name of the primary
affinity where a file resides
Affinity To: If disk-to-disk is enabled, the name of the secondary
affinity to which the file relocates
File Age Before Relocation: The age a file must reach before it
becomes eligible for relocation
Media Clean Pool: The class name with which the media is
associated after it is logically blank
Stub Files: Indicates whether the Stub File feature is enabled or
disabled for the storage policy
Stub File Size (KB): If the Stub File feature is enabled, this is the
target stub file size specified when the storage policy was created or
AutoStore: Indicates whether the Autostore feature is enabled or
disabled. The Autostore option automatically stores files for the
current policy class. If this feature is disabled, Quantum recommends
that the files for the policy class be stored by scheduled events (see
Retrieve to Affinity: If you enabled the Retrieve to Affinity feature
when you created or modified the policy class, the affinity to which
files are retrieved is shown.