Chapter 7. Modes
The CPU board supports User mode and Boot mode. User mode may be used to run and debug user code, while Boot mode may only be
used to program the Renesas microcontroller with program code via the USB interface. To program the user flash, the device must be in
Boot mode. Further details of programming the flash are available in the H8S/2215 Group hardware manual.
When using the E8 debugger supplied with the RSK the mode transitions are executed automatically. The CPU board provides
the capability of changing between User and Boot / User Boot modes using a simple latch circuit. This is only to provide a
simple mode control on this board when the E8 is not in use.
Do not use the Boot Latch function while the E8 is connected.
To manually enter boot mode, press and hold the SW1/BOOT. The mode pins are held in their boot states while reset is pressed and
released. Release the boot button. The BOOT LED will be illuminated to indicate that the microcontroller is in boot mode.
More information on the operating modes can be found in the device hardware manual.
7.1. FDT Settings
In the following sections the tables identify the FDT settings required to connect to the board using the E8Direct debugger interface. The ‘A’
interface is inverted on the RSK board. This is to ensure the board can function in a known state when the E8 is connected but not
powered. The E8 Debugger contains the following resistors.
E8 Pin Resistor
A Pull Down (100k)
B Pull Up (100k)
C Pull Down (100k)
D Pull Up (100k)
Table 7-1: E8 Mode Pin drives