Samsung SMT110NDWAXAR Tablet User Manual

Email 47
combined view 48
composing and sending 49
configuring accounts 47
deleting accounts 48
refreshing 48
settings 49
Exposure to Radio Frequency
(RF) Signals 125
Factory Data Reset 120
accessing 44
adding 44
removing 45
FCC Notice and Cautions 143
Find My Mobile 114
Flipboard 87
Fonts 107
G+ Photos 87
Galaxy Tab Accessories 9
Gallery 67
playing videos 70
selecting photos and videos 67
setting picture as 69
sharing photos and video 70
viewing groups of photos and
videos 67
viewing photos and video 68
account settings 47
composing and sending 47
refreshing your account 47
setting up your account 46
Drive 87
G+ Photos 87
Gmail 46
Google Now 88
Google+ 89
Hangouts 89
Local 92
Maps 92
Navigation 94
Play Books 94
Play Games 95
Play Movies & TV 95
Play Music 50
Play Newsstand 95
Play Store 96
Search 88
Settings 89
YouTube 98
Google Now 88
Google Play 96
Google+ 89
GPS 137
enable 112
GPS Applications 80
adding 44
adding members 44
creating 43
deleting 43
removing members 44
renaming 43
Hangouts 89
Health and Safety Information 125