SATO CX Series Printer User Manual

SATO CX Series Printer
Expanded Memory Function
Expanded Memory FunctionExpanded Memory Function
Expanded Memory Function
Graphics, Custom Store
Graphics, Custom StoreGraphics, Custom Store
Graphics, Custom Store
Command Structure
a = Specifies character format of the data
H Hex data
B Binary data
bbb = Number of horizontal 8 x 8 blocks (001 to104
ccc = Number of vertical 8 x 8 blocks (001 to178)
ddd = Graphics storage number (001 to 099)
{data}= Hex or binary data to describe the graphic im
Placement: Immediately following the <ESC>CC Memory
Area Select command.
Default: None
Command Function
To provide similar functionality to the <ESC>G Custom Gra-
phic command, (See page 41), but allows for the graphic
image to be stored in a Expanded Memory. Use the Store
command to send the graphic data to the printer, which is
held in the optional Expanded Memory, even if printer power
is lost.
Printer Input