
Step 1: Determine the Network Policy
First, determine whether DHCP is used within your organization. If DHCP is used, some or all IP
addresses are assigned dynamically. When using DHCP, “hostname” is the identifier used to
specify PCs or Scanners. Sharp multifunction scanners require DNS to resolve the address from
“hostname” to “IP address”.
Refer to the table below to determine the network policy of your organization.
1) Simple addressing Yes or No Static Static
2) Regular DHCP Yes Static Dynamic
3) Full DHCP Yes Dynamic Dynamic
4) Exception DHCP Yes Dynamic Static
Note: It is not recommended that “Full DHCP” and “Exception DHCP” policies be used. They
require special knowledge in network configuration, including careful setup of the “NIC” in the
scanner. If you so use these policies, please refer to the NIC manual to setup dynamic scanner
Step 2: Set up the DHCP and DNS Servers
If you are using the Regular, Full, or Exception DHCP policy, DHCP and DNS servers should be
set up prior to installing the Network Scanner Tool. These servers maintain the table of dynamic
addresses for PCs [2) and 3) above] and Scanners [3) and 4) above].
If you are using the Simple Addressing policy, DHCP and DNS servers are not required, and you
may skip this step.
Step 3: Set up Scanner Network Parameters
If you are using DHCP and the PC addresses are dynamic [2) or 3) above], the addresses of the
DNS servers must be set up using the scanner’s Web pages.
If the PC addresses are static [1) or 4) above], it’s recommended that you leave the addresses of
the DNS servers blank in the scanner’s Web pages. Specifying information for DNS servers in the
scanner’s Web Page that is incorrect may cause problems. It is better to leave these addresses
blank and let the Network Scanner Tool determine the proper addresses automatically during its
inspection of the scanners.
Network Scanner Tool User’s Guide 5