■ Discount key (
) (continued)
• ENTRY TYPE (Use the selective entry)
RA: Received on account (-)
ITEM: Item (-)
SBTL: Subtotal (-)
You can also select a discount key by pressing the corresponding key.
■ Percent key (
Select a pertinent percent key from
the percent keys list.
Program each item as follows:
• RATE (Use the numeric entry)
Percent rate (0.00 to 100.00)
• TEXT (Use the character entry)
Description for the percent key. Up to 12 characters can be entered.
• SIGN (Use the selective entry)
Programming of the + or - sign assigns the premium or
discount function to each percent key.
-: Minus (discount)
+: Plus (premium)
• %HALO (High Amount Lockout) (Use the numeric entry)
HALO (High Amount Lockout) for the percent key (0.00 to 100.00)
• ENTRY TYPE (Use the selective entry)
RA: Received on account %
ITEM: Item %
SBTL: Subtotal %
You can also select a percent key by pressing the corresponding key.
■ Group discount key (
Program each item as follows:
• RATE (Use the numeric entry)
Percent rate (0.00 to 100.00)
• TEXT DISC. (Use the character entry)
Description for the group discount key
Up to 12 characters can be entered.
• TEXT DISC. ST (Use the character entry)
Description for group discount subtotal
Up to 12 characters can be entered.
• SIGN (Use the selective entry)
Programming of the + or - sign assigns the premium or
discount function to each group discount key.
-: Minus (discount)
+: Plus (premium)
• %HALO (High Amount Lockout) (Use the numeric entry)
HALO (High Amount Lockout) for the group discount key (0.00
to 100.00)
You can also select a group discount key by pressing the corresponding key.
Select a pertinent group discount key
from the group discount keys list.