— 50 —
Touch “RARE”
on the keyboard.
Touch “MASHED P.”
on the keyboard.
• When the condiment entry is programmed as compulsory, your POS terminal will continue to prompt
condiment entry until you finish the entire condiment entry programmed for the PLU. During the
condiment entry, if you enter a PLU which is not in the condiment table, an error message will appear.
• When the condiment entry is programmed as non-compulsory, entering a PLU which is not in the
condiment table cancels the condiment entry.
• When the
key is pressed, the entry skips to the next condiment table which is programmed.
• When you enter a PLU priced at “0.00,” only the text may be printed on the receipt.
• No refund entry is possible for any condiment entries. When you perform a refund entry with a menu-
item PLU, the condiment PLUs assigned to the menu-item PLU are automatically registered as a
refund entry.
• You may omit the compulsory condiment entry by pressing the
• Cursor void entry or touching void entry is allowed for those PLUs that are entered as condiments
(menu and condiment).
• Multiplication entry can be made for each condiment item independently. However, the sum of manually
entered quantities per condiment table should not be more than the ordered quantity of the menu PLU.
When no multiplication entry is made, the quantity is decided automatically to reach the ordered
quantity number of the menu PLU.
• You can press the
key to shift the price level during condiment PLU entry.
Repeat round entries
This function can be used for reorder entries of PLU items (single PLU item and condiment PLU) simply by de-
pressing the
key. To enable this function, the PLU must be preset as “yes” for repeat entries.
Upon the first depression of the
key, those items that were previously registered in a transaction are shown as
reorderable items, and upon second depression of the
key, those items registered after the previous depres-
sion of the
key including the first reordered items are shown as reorderable items.
When the
key is pressed just after the depression of the
key, all items subjected to the repeat
round entry are voided.