Your register allows you to select various item of rounding system.
Program each item as follows:
The screen continues.
•ROUND 100 (Use the selective entry)
Rounding system selection
NORMAL: Minimum rounding currency unit is 1 (1 cent)
25: Minimum rounding currency unit is 25 (25 cents)
50: Minimum rounding currency unit is 50 (50 cents)
100: Minimum rounding currency unit is 100 (ex: 1
Swedish Krona)
•ROUND 10 (Use the numeric entry)
Rounding up/down of the units digit of amount.
Enter a number (2 digits 00 to 99)
•ROUND FOR (Use the selective entry)
ITEM&TOTAL: Rounding of the item and total
TOTAL: Rounding of the total
•CH/CR ROUND (Use the selective entry)
This selection is not effective at Manual TAX1-4 system.
YES: Enable the Australian rounding
NO: Disable the Australian rounding
•ROUND PRINT (Use the selective entry)
YES: Print the rounding amount
NO: Not print the rounding amount
YES: Memory the difference between before-rounding and after-rounding
NO: No memory the difference between before-rounding and after-rounding
•ITEM ENT (Use the selective entry)
ANY: Nolimitattheleastsignicantdigitineachamountentry
0ONLY: Limitto0attheleastsignicantdigitineachamountentry
ANY: Nolimitattheleastsignicantdigitineachamountentry
0ONLY: Limitto0attheleastsignicantdigitineachamountentry