contrast to UDP, TCP ensures both ends of the connection are
present and active on the network. TCP ensures delivery of
TIA Telecommunications Industry Association—A standards
setting trade organization, whose members provide communi-
cations and information technology products, systems, distri-
bution services and professional services in the United States
and around the world. Consult
WAN Wide Area Network—A computer network that uses high-
speed packet switched lines to serve a large geographic area.
Contrast with LAN.
Watcher™ A suite of programs that run on a Windows-based computer.
This program allows the user to configure the Sierra Wireless
modem for communications, and monitor various modem
parameters. It is not compatible with other vendors’ modems.
WWAN Wireless Wide Area Network— A wireless computer data
network that may extend over a large geographical area.
WWW World Wide Web—An Internet-based, hypertext, graphical
network created by CERN researchers in Switzerland. For
more information about CERN, visit their site at