Hardware Guide
Using your VAIO computer
10 Fill in the Network key**.
The network key should be 5 or 13 ascii characters or 10 or 26 hexadecimal characters long. You can
choose whatever you want***.
11 Click OK.
Your Network name appears in the Preferred networks.
12 Click Advanced.
The Advanced dialog box appears.
13 Select the Computer-to-computer (ad hoc) networks only option button.
14 Click Close.
15 Click OK.
Your computer is ready to communicate with another computer.
* For more information on your model, please read your Specifications document.
** If you want to communicate between two or more computers, you need to configure all these computers the exact same way.
This means that you need to enter the same Network name and the same Network key on all computers as on the first computer
you configure.
*** ASCII: The basis of character sets used in almost all present-day computers. ASCII is a code for representing English characters as
numbers, with each letter assigned a number from 0 to 127.
Hexadecimal: A number representation using the digits 0-9, with their usual meaning, plus the letters A-F (or a-f) to represent
hexadecimal digits with values of (decimal) 10 to 15.
✍ In France, only certain channels are legally allowed when using WLAN outdoors.
For more information, see the Wireless LAN Regulations leaflet.