Configuring the Switch for
SNMP and Telnet Management
8. To assign an IP address, or to have one assigned automati-
cally, select “Switch Configuration Menu” from the Main
Menu. The Switch Configuration Menu will appear.
>>>> Switch Configuration Menu <<<<
1. Configuration Summary
2. IP Configuration
3. SNMP Configuration
4. Spanning Tree Configuration
5. Address Aging Configuration
6. Port Mirroring Configuration
<ESC> To Exit Menu
Enter Selection:
Figure 1-2. Switch Configuration Menu
9. DHCP is enabled by default. If you have a DHCP server, an
IP address and Subnet Mask are assigned automatically.
Make a note of the IP address and skip to Step 12.
Otherwise, select “IP Configuration” from the menu. The IP
Configuration Menu will appear (see Figure 1-3).
10. To manually enter the IP address of the switch, you must
first disable DHCP. Then, select “Switch IP Address” from
the menu and enter the address to be assigned to the switch.
This should be an administratively assigned address. (See
“Configuring the IP Address” in Chapter 5.)
11. Select “Subnet Mask” from the menu and enter the subnet
mask for the IP address entered in Step 10. If applicable,
also enter the Gateway IP address.