load balancing only, that is, each LDAP server is allotted a certain percentage of the total load.
The ids-proxy-sch-LoadBalanceProperty object class has one attribute,
ids-proxy-con-Server, whose value has the following syntax:
In Iplanet Directory Access Router 5.0 (IDAR) these conguration attributes are stored under
Directory Proxy Server 5.2, these conguration attributes are stored under
ids-proxy-con-name=load-balancing-1,ou=properties,cn= user-dened-name,ou=dar-config,o=NetscapeRoot.
In Directory Proxy Server 6.0, load balancing is congured as a property of a data source pool. A
data source pool is essentially a collection of LDAP servers to which Directory Proxy Server can
route requests. For information about setting up a data source pool, see “Creating and
Conguring LDAP Data Source Pools” in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise
Edition 6.0 Administration Guide. For a list of properties associated with a data source pool, run
the following command:
$ dpconf help-properties | grep ldap-data-source-pool
Directory Proxy Server 6.0 supports proportional load balancing but also supports additional
load balancing algorithms. To congure proportional load balancing, set the property of the
data source pool as follows:
$ dpconf set-ldap-data-source-pool-prop data-source-pool-name load-balancing-algorithm:proportional
The percentage of load allotted to each server is congured by setting various properties of an
attached data source. An attached data source is a data source that has been attached to a
specic data source pool. To congure proportional load, set the weight properties of the
attached data source for each operation type as follows:
$ dpconf set-attached-ldap-data-source-prop data-source-pool-name attached-data-source-name
For more information, see “Conguring Load Balancing” in Sun Java System Directory Server
Enterprise Edition 6.0 Administration Guide.
Monitoring Backend Servers
To monitor the state of its backend LDAP servers, Directory Proxy Server 5 performs an
anonymous search operation on the RootDSE of each server every ten seconds. Directory Proxy
Mappingthe Properties Conguration
SunJavaSystemDirectoryServerEnterpriseEdition6.0 MigrationGuide • March2007100