8. Enable the replication agreements from the master to the hubs and other masters in the
9. If you have migrated the data, check that replication is in sync.
10. If you have not migrated the data, reinitialize the master from another master in the
11. If you rerouted client applications (Step 2), you can now route the applications to write to
the migrated master.
The following sequence of diagrams illustrate the migration of a master, as described above.
The rst diagram shows the version 5 topology before the migration of the masters.
The rst step in migrating a master involves disabling replication agreements, eectively
isolating the master from the topology.
5.x Master A 5.x Master B
6.0 Consumer A 6.0 Consumer B
6.0 Hub A 6.0 Hub B
FIGURE4–9 Existing version 5Topology With Consumers and Hubs Migrated
Chapter4 • Migrating aReplicatedTopology 61