Sun Microsystems 8190994 Server User Manual

"cn=Sun ONE Identity Synchronization for Windows,cn=server group,,,o=NetscapeRoot"
b. Use the Directory Server Consoleto removethe Identity SynchronizationforWindows
Console subtree that you foundand all subtrees under it.
Clean upthe Identity SynchronizationforWindowsconguration directory (also know asthe
conguration registry) asfollows:
a. Froma Command Prompt window,run the following ldapsearchcommand to locate the
Identity Synchronization forWindows conguration directory in Directory Server:
ldapsearch -D "cn=directory manager" -w <password \> -b "dc=my,dc=domain"
"(&(objectclass=iplanetservice)(ou=IdentitySynchronization))" dn
The resulting entry should be similar to the following:
b. Use the Directory Server Console to remove the conguration directory subtree thatyou
found,including all subtrees underit.
Clean up allother Console-related les asfollows:
a. Removeall Console jar leslocated in < serverRoot\>\\java\\jars\\isw*For example,
C:\\Program Files\\Sun\\mps\\java\\jars\\isw*
b. Remove all Console servlet jar les located in < directory-server-install-root
\>\\bin\\isw\\Forexample, C:\\SunOne\\Servers\\bin\\isw\\
Restart your machine for all changes to take eect.
Manually Uninstalling a 1.1 Instance fromWindows NT
Use the instructions provided in this section to manually uninstall an instance from a Windows
NT machine.
Next Steps
WhattoDo ifthe1.1Uninstallation Fails
Chapter7 • Migrating IdentitySynchronizationforWindows 135