Alternatively, use any archive program for Windows, such as WinZip.
Start the Identity Synchronization forWindows services. For moreinformation, see“Starting
and Stopping Services”in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Installation
Uninstalling Identity Synchronization for Windows
Note – The Identity Synchronization for Windows 1.1 uninstall program removes the SUNWjss
package if it is not registered for use by another application. In particular, this situation may
occur on a Solaris machine if you installed a zip version of Directory Server 5.2, where the
uninstall program removes the jss3.jar le from /usr/share/lib/mps/secv1.
If you encounter this situation as you migrate to Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0, the
installer reports that a required le is missing, and logs the le name to the installation log.
When this happens, you must re-install the required patches and restart the installation process.
For a list of required patches, see (see “Software Dependency Requirements” in Sun Java System
Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 Release Notes.
To Uninstall Identity Synchronization for WindowsVersion 1.1
Uninstall the Directory Server plug-in manuallyand restart each Directory Serverwhere the
plug-in wasinstalled.
Execute the following steps on each Directory Server where the plug-in was installed:
a. Removethe following entries from the Directory Server:
For example:
ldapdelete -D “cn=directory manager” -w - -p <port \> -c cn=config,
b. Restart the Directory Server.
On Solaris: Type < serverRoot \>/slapd-<hostname \>/restart-slapd
On Windows: Type < serverRoot\>\\slapd-< hostname\>\\restart-slapd.bat
c. Remove thePlugin binaries from the system.
On Solaris: Type rm < serverRoot \>/lib/psw-plugin.sorm < serverRoot
On Windows: Type del <serverRoot\>\\lib\\psw-plugin.dll
SunJavaSystemDirectoryServerEnterpriseEdition6.0 MigrationGuide • March2007120