29Installing and configuring the product
Verifying the configuration files
Checking cluster operation
This section describes how to check cluster operation.
To check cluster operation
1 Enter the following command on any system:
# hastatus -summary
The output for an SFCFS HA installation resembles:
-- System State Frozen
A system01 RUNNING 0
A system02 RUNNING 0
-- Group System Probed AutoDisabled State
B cvm system01 Y N ONLINE
B cvm system02 Y N OFFLINE
Note: If the State value is running, VCS is successfully installed and running on
that node. The group state lists the cvm group, which is online on system01 and
offline on system02.
See the hastatus(1M) manual page.
See the Veritas Cluster Server User’s Guide.
2 Enter the following command on any systems:
# hasys -display
The example on the next page shows the output of system01. The list
continues with similar information for system02 (not shown) and any
other systems in the cluster. On each system, the output should be similar.
For more information on the
hasys -display command, see the hasys(1M)
manual page. Also refer to the chapter in the Veritas Cluster Server User’s
Guide, “Administering VCS From the Command Line.”
#System Attribute Value
system01 AgentsStopped 0
system01 AvailableCapacity 1
system01 Capacity 1
system01 ConfigBlockCount 54
system01 ConfigCheckSum 29776