32 Installing and configuring the product
Configuring VCS
In a VCS cluster, the first system to be brought online reads the configuration
file and creates an internal (in-memory) representation of the configuration.
Systems brought online after the first system derive their information from
systems running in the cluster. You must stop the cluster while you are
modifying the files from the command line. Changes made by editing the
configuration files take effect when the cluster is restarted. The node on which
the changes were made should be the first node to be brought back online.
main.cf file
The VCS configuration file main.cf is created during the installation
procedure. After installation, the main.cf file contains the base definitions of
the cluster and its nodes. Additionally, the file types.cf listed in the include
statement defines the bundled agents for VCS resources.
See the Veritas Cluster Server User's Guide.
A typical VCS configuration file for SFCFS file resembles:
include "types.cf"
include "CFSTypes.cf"
include "CVMTypes.cf"
cluster cfs_cluster (
UserNames = { admin = bIJbIDiFJeJJhRJdIG }
Administrators = { admin }
HacliUserLevel = COMMANDROOT
system system01 (
system system02 (
group cvm (
SystemList = { system01 = 0, system02 = 1 }
AutoFailOver = 0
Parallel = 1
AutoStartList = { system01, system02 }
CFSfsckd vxfsckd (
CVMCluster cvm_clus (
CVMClustName = cfscluster
CVMNodeId = { system01 = 0, system02 = 1 }
CVMTransport = gab
CVMTimeout = 200