November 2001 Synopsys, Inc. 5
The ModelSource 640-pin Adapter Preface
About This Application Note
This application note describes the features and use of the ModelSource 640-pin
Generic Device Adapter (hereafter referred to as the “Adapter”), which allows you to
model a 640-pin device using ModelSource modeling systems.
This application note assumes that you are familiar with model-building procedures as
described in these Synopsys documents:
Logic Model Development Manual
Shell Software Reference Manual
ModelSource User’s Manual
LM-family Modeler Manual
Related Documents
To see a complete listing, refer to the Guide to Hardware Modeling Documents.
Manual Overview
This manual contains the following chapters and appendixes:
Preface Describes the application note and lists the
typographical conventions and symbols used in it; tells
how to get technical assistance.
Chapter 1
Describing a 640-pin Logic
Describes the hardware and software needed to create a
Logic Model using the 640-pin Generic Device Adapter.