Accessing the Setup Program
Accessing Setup From an Application
You can load the ROM-based Setup Program directly from any application program by
pressing the Ctrl-Alt-Esc keys. This method is not recommended unless the computer
will not boot otherwise because the computer restarts (reboots) when you exit the Setup
Program and erases all data in memory.
Caution: Save all work in progress before accessing the Setup Program from
an application program. The computer restarts when It exits the Setup Program,
erasing the contents of memory.
Making Selections on the Menus
You can use the keyboard keys summarized in the following table at the Setup Program
Setup Program Menus Key Functions
Key Function
Space Bar, → select next available value for highlighted item
-, ← select previous available value for highlighted item
Tab move highlight to first item in next category
Shift-Tab move highlight to first item in previous category
↓ move highlight to next item
↑ move highlight to previous item
Home move highlight to first category on current page
End move highlight to last category on current page
PgDn show next menu page
PgUp show previous menu page
F1* show help display for this page
F2 show system information display
Esc show exit menu
*Not available with the ROM-based program.
Pressing the F1 key displays a context-sensitive Help screen briefly describing each item.
(The Help screen is not available if you entered the Setup Program via the Ctrl-Alt-Esc
4-4 Customizing Your Computer