Texas Instruments 9786166-0001 Laptop User Manual

AH =Error Code
00h = No Error
86h = Invalid Parameter
F.10 Function F9h - Subfunction 63h
Get Extended Model ID
This function returns a variety of information about the system, including
the model ID and installed devices. Also, see related functions F95Eh and
Call with:
AH = F9h
AL = 63h
BX = 4954h - Modifies DS and ES for string pointers
6974h - Does not return string pointers
AH = CPU ID ( 03h = 80386, 04h = 80486 )
AL = Model ID (all models returns 83h)
Model ID (returns 0011)
0000 = Reserved
0001 = Laptop
0010 = Notebook
0011 = Notebook with Floppy
0100 - 0111 = Reserved
System Type
0 = TI
1 = OEM
BX = 5449h
CH = Extended Configuration Information
F-8 Added Interrupt 15 Functions