Installing the Code Generation Tools
Setting Up the Code Generation Tools on an HP Workstation
4.2 Installing the Code Generation Tools
This section helps you install the code generation tools on your hard-disk sys-
tem. The software package is shipped on a CD-ROM. To install the tools on
an HP workstation, you must mount the CD-ROM, copy the files to your sys-
tem, and unmount the CD-ROM.
If you are running HP-UX 9.0x, you
have root privileges to mount or
unmount the CD-ROM. If you do not have root privileges, get help from your
system administrator.
Mounting the CD-ROM
As root, you can mount the CD-ROM using the UNIX mount command or the
SAM (system administration manager):
To use the UNIX mount command, enter the following from a command
mount –rt cdfs /dev/dsk/
Make the hp directory on the CD-ROM the current directory. For example,
if the CD-ROM is mounted at /cdrom, enter the following:
cd /cdrom/hp
To use SAM to mount the CD-ROM, see
System Administration Tasks
, the
HP documentation about SAM, for instructions.
Copying the files
After you mount the CD-ROM, log out as root and log back on as yourself. You
must create the directory that will contain the tools software and copy the soft-
ware to that directory.
1) Create a tools directory
on your hard disk. To create this directory, enter:
mkdir /
2) Copy the files from the CD-ROM to your hard-disk system:
cp –r * /