Toshiba Corporation Digital Media Network Company
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© 2005, Copyright TOSHIBA Corporation All Rights Reserved Device Configuration Identify
1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
DR DRIVE No. no change
CY na no change
HD na no change
SN na no change
SC na no change
FT C2h no change
LBA na no change
The DEVICE CONFIGURATION IDENTIFY command returns a 512 byte data structure via PIO data-in transfer.
The content of this data structure indicates the selectable commands, modes, and feature sets that the device is
capable of supporting. If a DEVICE CONFIGURATION SET command has been issued reducing the
capabilities, the response to an IDENTIFY DEVICE or IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE command will reflect the
reduced set of capabilities, while the DEVICE CONFIGURATION IDENTIFY command will reflect the entire set
of selectable capabilities.
The format of the Device Configuration Overlay data structure is shown in Table 10.8-8.
Table 10.8-8 Device Configuration Identify data stracture