Toshiba Corporation Digital Media Network Company
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DR DRIVE No. no change
CY no change
HD no change
SN no change
SC no change
FT no change
This command requests a transfer of a sector of data from the host including the information specified in the
table below. The function of this command is decided by the transferred data.
The revision code field is returned in the IDENTIFY DEVICE word 92. The valid revision codes are 0001h
through FFFEh. A value of 0000h or FFFFh indicated that the Master Password Revision Code is not
Security Set Password information
Word Content
0 Control word
Bits 15-9 Reserved
Bits 8 Security level 0=High
Bits 7-1 Reserved
Bit 0 Identifier 0=set user password
1=set master password
1-16 Password ( 32 bytes )
17 Master Password Revision Code (valid if word 0 bit 0 = 1)
18-255 Reserved
The settings of the identifier and security level bits interact as shown in the table below.
Identifier and security level
Identifier Level Command result
User High The password supplied with the command will be saved as the new user password. The lock
function will be enabled by the next power-on. The drive can then be unlocked by either the
user password or the previously set master password.
Master High This combination will set a master password but will not enable the lock function. The
security level is not changed. Master password revision code set to the value in Master
Password Revision Code field.
User Maximum The password supplied with the command will be saved as the new user password. The lock
function will be enabled by the next power-on. The drive can only be unlocked by the user
password. The master password previously set is still stored in the drive but will not be used
to unlock the drive.
Master Maximum This combination will set a master password but will not enable the lock function. The
security level is not changed. Master password revision code set to the value in Master
Password Revision Code field.