Toshiba B-SX6T Series Barcode Reader User Manual

2.8 Setting an Operating Environment
2.8.1 Parameter Setting
While “<2>PARAMETER SET” is displayed on the LCD Message
Display, press the [PAUSE] key to enter the Parameter Setting Mode.
The Parameter Setting Mode contains the following sub menus. Each
time the [PAUSE] key is pressed, the sub menus are displayed
(1) Character code selection
(2) Character zero selection
(3) Baud rate selection
(4) Data length selection
(5) Stop bit length selection
(6) Parity selection
(7) Flow control code selection
(8) LCD language selection
(9) Auto forward wait selection
(10) Head up cut selection
(11) Ribbon saving function selection
(12) Control code selection
(13) Ribbon Type Selection
(14) Strip wait status selection
(15) FEED key function selection
(16) KANJI code selection
(17) EURO code selection
(18) Auto print head check selection
(19) Centronics ACK/BUSY timing selection
(20) Web printer function selection
(21) Media sensor selection
(22) Input prime selection
(23) Expansion I/O interface selection
(24) Plug & Play selection
(25) Label end/ribbon end selection
(26) Pre-strip selection
(27) Reverse feed speed selection
(28) Maxi code specification selection
(29) Strip motor torque selection
(30) Stabilizer function selection