- 18 -
5.5.2. Double setting is selected (CC-Link Ver.2) (c122=1)
This option occupies one station area of the buffer memory of the PLC.
In the case of c122 = 1, there are remote I/O (RX, RY both 32 bits(same as CC-LINK
Ver.1)) and the remote register (RWw, RWr both 8 word) in the communication data for one
station area.
Default value of RY and RX is 0.
Remote register (Default value
= 0)
RWr Inverter → PLC RWw PLC → Inverter
Address Signal Address Signal
RWr n Monitor value 1 RWw n Monitor code (1 and 2)
RWr n+1
Monitor value 2
(output frequency)
RWw n+1 Set frequency
RWr n+2 Reply code RWw n+2 Instruction code
RWr n+3 Read data RWw n+3 Write data
RWr n+4 Monitor value 3 RWw n+4 Monitor code 3
RWr n+5 Monitor value 4 RWw n+5 Monitor code 4
RWr n+6 Monitor value 5 RWw n+6 Monitor code 5
RWr n+7 Monitor value 6 RWw n+7 Monitor code 6
"n" is depend on the station number.
5.5.3. Quadruple setting is selected (CC-Link Ver.2) (c122=2)
This option occupies one station area of the buffer memory of the PLC.
In the case of c122 = 2, there are remote I/O (RX, RY both 32 bits(same as CC-LINK
Ver.1)) and the remote register (RWw, RWr both 16 word) in the communication data for one
station area.
Default value of RY and RX is 0.
Remote register (Default value
= 0)
RWr Inverter → PLC RWw PLC → Inverter
Address Signal Address Signal
RWr n Monitor value 1 RWw n Monitor code (1 and 2)
RWr n+1
Monitor value 2
(output frequency)
RWw n+1 Set frequency
RWr n+2 Reply code RWw n+2 Instruction code
RWr n+3 Read data RWw n+3 Write data
RWr n+4 Monitor value 3 RWw n+4 Monitor code 3
RWr n+5 Monitor value 4 RWw n+5 Monitor code 4
RWr n+6 Monitor value 5 RWw n+6 Monitor code 5
RWr n+7 Monitor value 6 RWw n+7 Monitor code 6
Upper 8
Trip history No.
Upper 8
Trip history No.
RWr n+8
Lower 8
Trip code
RWw n+8
Lower 8
RWr n+9 Trip information (output frequency) RWw n+9 Reserved**
RWr n+A Trip information (output current) RWw n+A Reserved**
RWr n+B Trip information (output voltage) RWw n+B Reserved**
RWr n+C Trip information (energization time) RWw n+C Reserved**
RWr n+D Reserved* RWw n+D Reserved**
RWr n+E Reserved* RWw n+E Reserved**
RWr n+F Reserved* RWw n+F Reserved**
"n" is depend on the station number.
* The bit described " Reserved " is unstable. Don't use the “Reserved " bit for the judgment.
** Do not use it.