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6. Programming examples
This chapter provides programming examples which control the inverter with the PLC.
Item Programming Example Refer to Page
6.1 Reading the inverter status
Reading the inverter status from the buffer
memory of the master station.
- 38 -
6.2 Setting the command mode Command mode from CC-Link is confirmed. - 39 -
6.3 Setting the operation commands Commanding the forward rotation. - 40 -
6.4 Setting the reference frequency Setting to 50.00Hz. - 40 -
6.5 Setting the monitoring function Monitoring the output frequency. - 41 -
6.6 Writing a parameter value
Setting the f311 [Reverse-run prohibition
selection] to [1 : Prohibit reverse run].
- 42 -
6.7 Reading a parameter value Reading the parameter f311. - 42 -
6.8 Reading the the fault record Reading the fault record - 44 -
6.9 Inverter reset Resetting the inverter. - 45 -
System configuration for programming example
PS Q02 QJ61 Input Output
Unit CPU BT11N Unit Unit
(X/Y00 (X20 (Y30
to 1F) to X2F) to 3F)
Master unit
Station 1
Station 2
CC-Link communication cable
The example of CC-Link communication network composition
・CPU Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Q02CPU
・Master unit Mitsubishi Electric Corp. QJ61BT11N
・Input module Mitsubishi Electric Corp. QX40
・Output module Mitsubishi Electric Corp. QY40P
・CC-Link dedicated cable Kuramo Electric Corp. FANC-110SBH
・Inveter Toshiba TOSVERT VF-S15(2 uints)
One station is occupied
・CC-Link option Toshiba CCL003Z(2 units)