Toshiba Utilities
5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.3
Customizing Your Computer
The features available in this category are:
❖ Mouse
❖ ConfigFree
❖ CD/DVD Drive Acoustic Silencer
❖ Toshiba HWSetup
❖ Connectivity Doctor
❖ Wi-Fi Client
❖ Supervisor Password
❖ User Password
Mouse utility
The Mouse utility allows you to change your TouchPad or
mouse settings. To access the Mouse utility through the
TOSHIBA Assist, click the Mouse icon.
Hotkey utility
The hotkey utility allows you to receive a confirmation
message when you use the hotkey combination for Standby
Fn+F3] and Hibernation [Fn+F4].
To activate:
1 Click Start, All Programs, Tos hib a, Utilities, then click the
Hotkey utility.
The Toshiba Hotkey window appears.