Toshiba L670D Laptop User Manual

User’s Manual xxiii
Icons identify ports, dials, and other parts of your computer. The indicator
panel also uses icons to identify the components it is providing information
The keyboard keys are used in the text to describe many computer
operations. A distinctive typeface identifies the key top symbols as they
appear on the keyboard. For example, ENTER identifies the ENTER key.
Key operation
Some operations require you to simultaneously use two or more keys. We
identify such operations by the key top symbols separated by a plus sign
(+). For example, CTRL + C means you must hold down CTRL and at the
same time press C. If three keys are used, hold down the first two and at
the same time press the third.
Messages are used in this manual to bring important information to your
attention. Each type of message is identified as shown below.
ABC When procedures require an action such as
clicking an icon or entering text, the icon’s name
or the text you are to type in is represented in the
type face you see to the left.
Names of windows or icons or text generated by
the computer that appears on its display screen
is presented in the type face you see to the left.
Pay attention! A caution informs you that improper use of equipment or
failure to follow instructions may cause data loss or damage your
Please read. A note is a hint or advice that helps you make best use of
your equipment.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which could result in death or
serious injury, if you do not follow instructions.