TD-W8960N 300Mbps Wireless N ADSL2+ Modem Router User Guide
The Total Upstream Bandwidth and Total Downstream Bandwidth are required to be configured. Traffic Control Rule
Choose “Ad
vanced Setup”Æ“Traffic Control” Æ“Traffic Control Rule” and then you will see the
screen as shown in Figure 4-46. This page allows you to view a
nd configure TC rules.
Figure 4-46
To add a TC rule, click the Add button and you can configure it in the screen as shown in Figure
Figure 4-47
¾ Rule Status: Select the status of the rule from the drop-down list to enable or disable the rule.
¾ IP Range: Enter a single IP address or a range of IP addresses.
¾ Port Range: Enter a single port or a range of ports.
¾ Protocol: Select a protocol type from the drop-down list. TCP, UDP and ALL are available
¾ Priority: Select priority form the drop-down list. There are five options: Highest, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
and Lowest. The default precedence of the rule is 4.
¾ Upstream: Enter the min and max upload speed through the WAN port.
¾ Downstream: Enter the min and max download speed through the WAN port.