TP-Link TL-SG2424 Switch User Manual

Specify the member port aging time as 100 seconds in VLAN 2:
TL-SG2424(config)# ipv6 mld snooping vlan 2 member-aging-time 100
ipv6 mld snooping vlan immediate-leave
The ipv6 mld snooping vlan immediate-leave command is used to enable the
immediate leave function on a specified VLAN. To disable this funciton, please
use no ipv6 mld snooping vlan immediate-leave command. By default, it is
ipv6 mld snooping vlan vlan-id immediate-leave
no ipv6 mld snooping vlan vlan-id immediate-leave
vlan-id —— The specified IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID to enable the immediate leave
function, ranging from 1 to 4094.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Enable immediate leave function on VLAN 2:
TL-SG2424(config)# ipv6 mld snooping vlan 2 immediate-leave
ipv6 mld snooping vlan mrouter
The ipv6 mld snooping vlan mrouter command is used to configure the static
router port in a specified VLAN. To disable the static router port, please use no
mld snooping vlan mrouter command.
ipv6 mld snooping vlan vlan-id mrouter interface gigabitEthernet port
no ipv6 mld snooping vlan vlan-id mrouter [interface gigabitEthernet port]
vlan-id ——The specified IEEE 802.1Q VLAN ID, ranging from 1 to 4094.
port —— Interface number of the router port(s).