with the fonts in your document to see if that’s the right font. To
remove a font, select it and click Remove. To return the lists to their
defaults, click Use Defaults. Click OK when you’re finished.
Use Defaults—Click to return all the settings in the Options
dialog box to their original, default settings.
6. Click the Process tab and choose the options from the Process
Keep original image resolution—As part of the OCR process, the
resolution of grayscale and color images is reduced to 75-150 dpi
(dots per inch). Select this option to keep original resolutions for
grayscale and color images entering the program. Do this if you
need high quality image export, for page image saving and for
images embedded in recognized pages. Deselect this to have
grayscale and color images reduced to about 300 dpi.
Retain text and background color—If your document contains
colored text or backgrounds, select this option to have them
detected and displayed in the text editing application you have
selected. The colored text and backgrounds will also be available for
export. Deselect this option if you want color pictures in the
document but do not want colored text and backgrounds. You can