2. Switch Plug(s) On: To power-on a plug, type /ON n and
press [Enter]. Where "n" is the number or name of the
desired plug.
To power-on both plugs, type /ON * and press [Enter].
To power-on Plug One, type /ON 1 and press [Enter].
3. Switch Plug(s) Off: To power-off a plug, type /OFF n
and press [Enter]. Where "n" is the number or name of
the desired plug. Note that the "/OFF" command can also
be entered as "/OF".
To power-off both plugs, type /OFF * or /OF * and
press [Enter].
To power-off a plug named POWER2, type
/OFF POWER2 or /OF POWER2 and press [Enter].
4. Suppress Command Confirmation Prompt: To execute a
Boot/On/Off command without displaying the "Sure?"
prompt, include the ",Y" option in the command line. The
",Y" option is entered immediately following the
command argument.
To boot both plugs without displaying the "Sure?"
prompts, type /BOOT *,Y or /BO *,Y and then
press [Enter].
To power-off a plug named POWER1 without displaying
the "Sure?" prompt, type /OFF POWER1,Y or
/OF POWER1,Y and then press [Enter].