1. Introduction
Network equipment sometimes "locks-up", requiring a service
call just to flip the power switch to perform a simple reboot. The
NPS-2HD Heavy Duty Network Power Switch gives you the
ability to perform this function from anywhere on the
LAN/WAN, or if the network is down, to simply dial-in from a
modem for out-of-band power control.
Intelligent Power Control
The NPS-2HD can communicate over any TCP/IP network using
standard Telnet, or out-of-band using an external modem and
terminal emulation. Each outlet can be assigned an individual
password, device name, reboot delay time and unique power-up
default status.
Address specific IP security masks prevent unauthorized users
from accessing the NPS command menu via network. The NPS
provides two separate password security levels; System level and
User level. The System password allows access to all
configuration and command functions. The User password
allows limited access to command functions.
Easy to Use, Easy to Configure
The NPS can be configured over the network, via modem, or
locally via the NPS Console Port. Easy-to-use commands let you
assign a location name, set system parameters and view plug
status. Outlets can be switched On, Off, or Booted using plug
numbers or names.
Dual 20 Amp Circuits
On/Off/Reboot Switching
Integral 10Base-T Interface
RS232 Modem and Console Ports
Outlet-Specific Password Security
Network Security Features
Manual On/Off Buttons