4 User Guide
How do I start using Remote Services?
User access
There are four types of users who have access to the DocuSP
controller. Each type of user has different access privileges for
Remote Services. The following list presents the default settings
for each user.
• User: Allowed access to Support Access, History and
• Operator: Access to all the features of a User and access to
Problem Reporting and Support Requests.
• CSE (Customer Service Engineer): Access to all system
features, except the ability to enable and disable features.
• System Administrator: Access to all system features.
Launching the Remote Services application
All features included within Remote Services are accessible
through the Home page.
To open the Remote Services Home page:
1. Place your cursor outside the DocuSP GUI. You may have to
minimize the DocuSP GUI screen.
2. Press the <Help> key on your keyboard.
The Remote Services Home page opens.
Home page navigation
The table that follows identifies each link located on the Home
page and describes when to use each link.
Link Description
Problem Reporting Click [Problem Reporting] to display
options for capturing and transferring
job and/or machine data. Data capture
and transfer is usually necessary after
Xerox conducts a preliminary
investigation of your environment and
needs additional data for further