Xerox 721P88200 Printer User Manual

IBMs Overlay Generation Language (OGL) compiler version 1.1
supports color for fonts, rules, patterns, and other commands. You
can also generate color overlays using utility programs or third-party
packages. These colorized overlays can then be printed on
DocuPrint IPS printers.
The DocuPrint IPS printer can also accept the IOCA color spaces in
the extended controls, referred to as the 4E color triplets. The new
color triplets include Highlight Color, Standard OCA Color, RGB,
Highlight Color allows the processing of a shaded area, which
specifies a percentage of a Highlight Color and a percentage of
Standard OCA Color allows for the specification of a standard color
RGB, CYMK and CIE-LAB (three new color spaces) are now
accepted, but are converted to a 50% Highlight Color. Future
enhancements will resolve these color spaces by determining the
luminance of the given color and substituting a Highlight Color space
with the closest luminance.
Utilities You can add color to certain overlays by running utilities provided by
either IBM or Xerox. For example, you may use the IBM supplied PL/
1 program provided with DCF (DCFPPOVL).
Third-party packages Several third-party packages exist that allow you to add color to
overlays. Some of these are:
IBM AFP Driver
Using Elixir Desktop for AFP
When you use Elixir to convert an image to an overlay, make sure
that you have selected either GOCA or IM as the image type and the
embed page segments option. By embedding the page segments
in the overlay, you reduce the number of files that need to be
managed, and you can change the color directly within the form.
Also, you only need to upload the .OVE and any referenced fonts to
the host for printing.
Because the DocuPrint IPS printers support file compression for IM
objects, Xerox recommends that you use IM objects instead of
GOCA objects when creating embedded page segments. If you
choose IM objects as the embedded page segment, the output of the
.OVE file is significantly smaller.
As an alternative, you may choose to reference an external page
segment instead of embedding the page segments. You may then
use the GOCAPSEG DOS utility (from Elixir) to change the image
into a color page segment in GOCA format.