Printing Special Job Types
Phaser® 8560MFP/8860MFP Multifunction Printer
Printing Special Job Types
This section includes:
■ Sending Personal, Personal Saved, Secure, Proof, or Saved Print Jobs on page 1-22
■ Sending Print With Jobs on page 1-23
■ Printing or Deleting Secure Print Jobs on page 1-24
■ Printing or Deleting Personal Print Jobs on page 1-24
■ Printing or Deleting Proof and Saved Print Jobs on page 1-24
■ Printing or Deleting Personal Saved Jobs on page 1-25
You can select one of the following special job types if your printer has a hard drive:
■ Personal Print: Prints the job when you select your user name on the control panel or in
CentreWare IS.
■ Secure Print: Prints the job only after you select your name and enter your four-digit
numeric password on the control panel.
■ Proof Print: Prints only one copy of the job so that you can proof the copy. If you want to
print additional copies, select the job name on the control panel.
■ Shared Saved Job: Stores the job on the hard drive so you can print it from the control
panel. The job is not deleted after printing.
■ Personal Saved Job: Stores the job on the hard drive so that you can print it when you
select your user name and enter your four-digit password on the control panel. The job is
not deleted after printing.
■ Print With: Prints existing stored personal and/or shared saved jobs along with the
current job using the current job’s number of copies and collation attributes. The current
job is deleted after printing.