Chapter 11. Logging
The rows show the date and time, type of protocol, from interface, computer and port, to interface, computer and
port, ICMP type for ICMP traffic, flags, whether the packet was accepted, rejected or discarded, and the reason for
this. For TCP traffic, and for UDP traffic which is session managed, only the connection packet is displayed. SIP
media streams are not logged.
The Telecommuting Module’s own IP address is displayed in the log with a purple background color. Rejected and
discarded packets are displayed with a yellowish background.
The following flags are used:
S SYN Request for connection
A ACK Response to a previous packet
U Urgent Contains out-of-band data
P Push Packets that must be delivered quickly
F FIN Disconnect request
R RST Reset - response to incorrect packet
For more information on flags, see RFC 793.
When the clock is reset, the log shows this on a separate line like this:
If the Telecommuting Module is restarted, the log shows this on a line like this:
Display Load
Display Load shows statistics on the traffic load to and from the Telecommuting Module’s interfaces.