Chapter 10. Administration
Log out
If your user has full access to the web interface, you can log out other users. However, if you do not change their
password (or change the Account type to Off), they can just log on again.
Read these instructions carefully before upgrading. You find version upgrades for 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting
Module at http://eSupport.3com.com/. The upgrade is signed with GNU Privacy Guard. When 3Com VCX IP
Telecommuting Module is upgraded, it automatically checks the signing before accepting the upgrade.
You should always upgrade your Telecommuting Module to the latest version.
Here, you also upgrade with extension modules (e.g. QoS) and SIP licenses. Upgrading with modules and licenses
is exactly the same procedure as upgrading to a new version.
You save the upgrade to a file on your workstation or network file system. When upgrading, select Upgrade.
This is the procedure to follow when upgrading an 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module.
Step 1
First save the upgrade to a file on your workstation. Enter the file name and path in the box or press Browse to
search the disk. When you have selected a file, press Upgrade from network. The Telecommuting Module will
read the upgrade file and check that it was correctly signed and is compatible with the current Telecommuting
Module version.
Step 2
If the upgrade file is correct, a text will appear at the top of the web page, informing about what version the upgrade
is. Two new buttons will also be shown; Apply upgrade and Remove upgrade. You can still load new upgrades
replacing the old one, which is useful if you for example have selected an upgrade which is too old.
Apply upgrade
Pressing Apply upgrade will make the Telecommuting Module install the new upgrade.
Remove upgrade
Remove upgrade removes the loaded upgrade from the Telecommuting Module. The upgrade will not be installed.
Step 3
If Apply upgrade was pressed, the buttons Try the upgrade and Remove upgrade will appear.
Try the upgrade
Try the upgrade will reboot the Telecommuting Module and test the loaded upgrade. When the reboot is done, log
on to continue upgrading the Telecommuting Module.
Remove upgrade
Remove upgrade removes the loaded upgrade from the Telecommuting Module. The upgrade will not be installed.