Chapter 10. Administration
Save configuration saves your preliminary configuration to the permanent configuration and puts it into use.
Continue testing shows a new page with only the other two buttons.
Revert cancels this test of the preliminary configuration without saving.
If you do not press any button within the time limit, the Telecommuting Module will revert to the old permanent
configuration, just as if you had pressed Revert. This is useful if you happen to configure your Telecommuting
Module so it isn’t accessible from your browser.
After the timeout, pressing either of the three buttons will show a new page which will inform you that the test run
was aborted.
Restarting the Telecommuting Module by cycling the power also cancels the test.
All configurations can be saved to and loaded from diskette or file. This does not affect the permanent configuration.
Save to diskette
Insert a formatted diskette into the Telecommuting Module’s floppy drive and press Save to diskette to save the
preliminary configuration. Do not remove the diskette until the light on the floppy drive goes out.
Check that you get a confirmation of the saving. If not, the diskette may be faulty.
Load from diskette
Insert the diskette with the saved configuration into the Telecommuting Module’s floppy drive and press Load from
diskette. Do not remove the diskette until the light on the floppy drive goes out. The contents of the diskette are
now loaded in the preliminary configuration.
Save to local file
Press Save to local file to save the preliminary configuration to the file you have selected. A new window is opened
where you enter the name of the file.
Load from local file
Press Load from local file to load a new preliminary configuration from the file you have selected.
Browse is used to scan your local disk. The web browser opens a new window where you can search among files
and directories. Go to the right directory and select the file you want to upload.
Revert to old configurations
You can revert to old configurations of the Telecommuting Module, either back to the last configuration
successfully applied, or to the configuration delivered with your Telecommuting Module from the factory.