Chapter 6. Basic Configuration
You can enter a special identifier into this field. All characters except space are allowed according to the
Telecommuting Module, but your RADIUS server may have some restrictions on the identifier.
Contact IP Address
Select the IP address from which the Telecommuting Module should make connections to RADIUS servers. A
convenient choice of address is one on the interface closest to the RADIUS server.
Contact RADIUS servers from
Select a contact address from the IP addresses configured for the interfaces under Directly Connected Networks
and Alias.
Status for RADIUS servers
At the bottom of the page the status for the RADIUS servers is shown. Radiusmux is the part of 3Com VCX IP
Telecommuting Module that connects to the RADIUS servers.
If no authentication by RADIUS is configured, the radiusmux is not run. When you apply a configuration which
involves contacting a RADIUS server, the radiusmux is started.
RADIUS server
The IP address for this RADIUS server.
Radiusmux gives points (the scale is 1 to 40, inclusive) to the different servers according to their performance. The
better server performance, the higher score. Radiusmux uses the score to select which server to query primarily.
Sent requests
The number of UDP packets sent to this server.
Received replies
The number of UDP packets received from this server.
Consecutive sends
The number of consecutive UDP packets sent without response from the server.
Recent average response time
A calculated average of response time for packets for which response has been received.
Free slots
The RADIUS server allocates a certain number of slots for each RADIUS client, and every pending request from
the Telecommuting Module occupies a slot. Here you see the current number of free slots.
Saves the RADIUS configuration to the preliminary configuration.