Chapter 6. Basic Configuration
Configuration via HTTP
Select which IP address and port the Telecommuting Module administrator should direct her web browser to when
HTTP is used for Telecommuting Module configuration. You can select from the Telecommuting Module IP
addresses configured on the Interface pages under Network.
You can use different IP addresses for HTTP and HTTPS configuration.
Configuration via HTTPS
Select which IP address and port the Telecommuting Module administrator should direct her web browser to when
HTTPS is used for Telecommuting Module configuration. You can select from the Telecommuting Module IP
addresses configured on the Interface pages under Network.
You can use different IP addresses for HTTP and HTTPS configuration.
You also need to select a TLS certificate, which works as an ID card, identifying the Telecommuting Module to
your web browser. This will ensure that you are really communicating with your Telecommuting Module and not
somebody else’s computer. TLS uses an encryption method using two keys, one secret and one public. The secret
key is kept in the Telecommuting Module and the public key is used in the certificate. If any of the keys is changed,
the TLS connection won’t work.
The certificate is created on the Certificates page.
Configuration Computers
Enter the IP address or addresses that can configure the Telecommuting Module. The IP addresses can belong to
one or more computers.
Note that you must also allow configuration via the Telecommuting Module interface that the computers are
connected to. See Configuration Allowed Via Interface above.
DNS Name Or Network Address
Enter the DNS name or IP address of the computer or network from which the Telecommuting Module can be
configured. Avoid allowing configuration from a network or computer on the Internet or other insecure networks, or
use HTTPS or VPN to connect to the Telecommuting Module from these insecure networks.
Network Address
Shows the IP address of the DNS Name Or Network Address you entered in the previous field.
Netmask/Bits is the mask that will be used to specify the configuration computers. See chapter 3, Configuring
3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module, for instructions on writing the netmask. To limit access so that only one
computer can configure, use the netmask You can also specify the netmask as a number of bits,
which in this case would be 32. To allow configuration from an entire network, you must enter the network address
under Network address, and a netmask with a lower number here. To allow configuration from several computers
or networks, create several lines for the information.