Chapter 8. SIP Services
Select two IP addresses out of the ones assigned to the Telecommuting Module under Directly Connected
Networks and Alias on the interface pages.
Note: for the STUN server to work properly, you need to select IP addresses which the clients can reach. In normal
circumstances, this means that only public IP addresses can be used.
STUN ports
Enter the ports to use for the STUN server. These ports, on the IP addresses selected, will not be available for
anything else.
Remote NAT Traversal
If your SIP client is not STUN-capable, you can use the built-in Remote NAT traversal feature of the
Telecommuting Module. The client must register on the Telecommuting Module (or through it).
The SIP client needs to re-REGISTER rather often for this to work. The exact period for this depends on the
NAT-ing device, but 20 seconds should be enough to get across most NAT boxes. It is not advisable to use
OPTIONS for 3Com SIP clients.
Remote NAT traversal
Turn this function on or off.
Re-REGISTER period for clients
Clients using this function will have to re-REGISTER very often, to keep the IP/port NAT binding. A
re-REGISTER interval of 20 seconds should be enough to ensure this.
If some clients are unable to handle short re-REGISTER intervals, the Telecommuting Module can send OPTIONS
messages instead, see below.
Use OPTIONS for registered clients
Select if the Telecommuting Module should use OPTIONS packets instead of short re-REGISTER intervals to keep
the NAT binding.
OPTIONS should not be used for 3Com phones, as they don’t respond to that.
OPTIONS interval
Enter the interval for the Telecommuting Module to send OPTIONS packets to the client.
Saves the Remote SIP Connectivity configuration to the preliminary configuration.
Reverts all of the above fields to their previous configuration.