Chapter 9. SIP Traffic
Domain or IP address
Enter the domain name or IP address of the external SIP proxy.
Enter the port number of the external SIP proxy.
If no port number is entered, the Telecommuting Module will make a DNS query for an SRV record. If a port
number is entered, it will query for an A record.
Delete Row
If you select this box, the row is deleted when you click on Add new rows, Save, or Look up all IP addresses
Enter the number of new rows you want to add to the table, and then click on Create.
Class 3xx message processing
Sometimes during negotiation for a connection, status messages about this process will be sent. Here you select
whether to forward these to the client or process them in the Telecommuting Module.
A class 3xx message from a server means that the connection attempt was terminated, but no connection was
established, e.g. due to use of the wrong address or service. The Telecommuting Module as well as some clients can
use this information to make new attempts which might have a better chance to succeed.
Forward class 3xx messages
The choices are Forward all, which forwards all class 3xx messages to the client (which might be able to use this
information), and Follow redirects, which means that the Telecommuting Module itself uses the information and
might make new connection attempts. In this case, it will only inform the client when the connection finally is
established or the attempt has failed totally.
DNS Override For SIP Requests
Here, you can register SIP domains to which the Telecommuting Module should be able to forward requests, but
which for some reason cannot be resolved in DNS. Enter an IP address and port to which the requests should be
forwarded. You can also select to use a specific protocol.
If you use a dialing domain that looks like an IP address, you must enter that dialing domain here along with the
SIP server for that domain.
You can enter more than one IP address or host name for a domain, and set weights and priorities for these.