Chapter 10. Administration
Step 4
When you have pressed Try the upgrade and the Telecommuting Module has rebooted, you will see two buttons
on top of every web page: Accept upgrade and Abort upgrade.
Now, you can choose to make the upgrade permanent or to revert to the old version. You can check the
configuration, but no changes can be done before the upgrade is permanent. If the Telecommuting Module is
rebooted before the upgrade is made permanent, it will revert to the old version.
Accept upgrade
Accept upgrade will complete the upgrade. When you have accepted the upgrade, you must also go to Save/Load
Configuration and Apply configuration, i. e. the new upgrade.
Abort upgrade
Abort upgrade aborts the upgrade. The Telecommuting Module will revert to the old version.
If the Telecommuting Module has been upgraded before, it is possible to downgrade to the previous version.
When you downgrade, the Telecommuting Module will revert to the configuration it had before upgrading. All
configuration changes made after the upgrade will be lost.
When you want to upgrade, the upgrade file must be uploaded again.
Table Look
There are two alternatives for tables in 3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module: Either you can change the contents
of the table directly, or else you must click on a box in the Edit row column to allow the row to be changed. The
image below shows how tables with an Edit row column can look.
To change a row, click in the Edit box for that row and click on Save or Add new rows. The page is updated so that
you can change the configurations on the row. You can select several rows to change.
With an Edit column, tables with many rows are loaded faster, provided that only few of the Edit boxes are checked.