Chapter 13. Tools
Under Tools, you find handy tools to troubleshoot the Telecommuting Module setup.
Packet Capture
3Com VCX IP Telecommuting Module has a built-in packet capturer which can produce pcap trace files. This
sniffer will capture all IP packets according to your selections, even those you can’t see in the log (like RTP
The Telecommuting Module capturer needs to be manually activated and deactivated. As this produces a log which
usually contains a lot more packets than the standard log, it is advisable only to run the capturer for short time
The capture of the packets can be downloaded and analyzed in any tool that handles pcap traces, like Ethereal.
Network Interface Selection
Select on which interface or VLAN the sniffer should listen for packets. You can also select to listen on all
Some network cards have VLAN hardware support. For this type of cards, incoming VLAN tagged traffic is not
logged on the main interface, but only on the VLAN interface. Outgoing VLAN tagged traffic is logged on the main
Other interfaces do not have VLAN hardware support. For this type of interface, VLAN traffic is logged on the
main interface.
Currently, the only network cards in 3Com products to support VLAN are the Gigabit network cards.
IP Address Selection
You can limit the selection by specifying certain IP addresses.
In these fields, enter a single IP address (e. g.,, a range of IP addresses (e. g.,, an
IP address followed by a netmask (e. g.,, a combination of these, or nothing at all. If a field is empty,
all IP addresses are selected.
If you want to study all traffic except the one to or from a specific computer or group of computers, enter the IP
address(es) here and mark the "not this address" box.
The selection can be modified by the control boxes under the fields A and B:
A src Packets from the IP address in field A matches. Field B is ignored.
A dst Packets to the IP address in field A matches. Field B is ignored.
A any Packets to or from the IP address in field A matches. Field B is ignored.
A to B Packets from A to B matches.
B to A Packets from B to A matches.
Between A&B Packets from A to B, or from B to A, matches.
not this combination Packets that do not match the given combination of A and B are shown in
the log.
If you, for example, want to study all packets to or from, except those to the file server, you
should fill in the form like this: