Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 44 Configuring Digital Certificates
Feature History for Certificate Management
Feature History for Certificate Management
Table 44-1 lists each feature change and the platform release in which it was implemented. ASDM is
backwards-compatible with multiple platform releases, so the specific ASDM release in which support
was added is not listed.
Table 44-1 Feature History for Certificate Management
Feature Name
Releases Feature Information
Certificate management 7.0(1) Digital certificates (including CA certificates, identity
certificates, and code signer certificates) provide digital
identification for authentication. A digital certificate
includes information that identifies a device or user, such as
the name, serial number, company, department, or IP
address. CAs are trusted authorities that “sign” certificates
to verify their authenticity, thereby guaranteeing the
identity of the device or user. CAs issue digital certificates
in the context of a PKI, which uses public-key or
private-key encryption to ensure security.
We introduced the following screens:
Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Certificate
Configuration > Site-to-Site VPN > Certificate
SCEP proxy 8.4(1) We introduced this feature, which provides secure
deployment of device certificates from third-party CAs.