
Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 69 General VPN Setup
Configuring AnyConnect VPN Client Connections
Step 4 Create a NAT rule so that the hosts in the Engineering VPN address pool can reach other hosts in the
Engineering VPN address pool. Create this rule just as you created the rule in Step 2 except that you
specify the Engineering VPN address pool as both the Source address and the Destination Address in the
Match criteria: Original Packet area.
Step 5 Create a NAT rule so that the Engineering VPN remote access clients can reach the “inside” network. In
the NAT Rules pane, select Add > Add NAT Rule Before “Network Object” NAT rules so that this
rule will be processed before other rules.
a. In the Match criteria: Original Packet area configure these fields:
Source Interface: Any
Destination Interface: Any
Source Address: Click the Source Address browse button and create a network object that
represents the inside network. Define the object type as a Network of addresses. Do not add an
automatic address translation rule.
Destination Address: Click the Destination Address browse button and select the network object
that represents the Engineering VPN address pool.
Figure 69-4 Add inside-network object
In the Action: Translated Packet area, configure these fields:
Source NAT Type: Static
Source Address: Original
Destination Address: Original
Service: Original
c. In the Options area, configure these fields:
Check Enable rule.
Uncheck or leave empty the Translate DNS replies that match this rule.
Direction: Both